• Don't hesitate to contact us: 602-516-9785
beautiful view inside in the house
adult woman comforting depressed woman
Because you deserve the peace of mind.

You’ll be able to improve your mental health in a conducive environment here at Huduma House.

Admission and Readmission Criteria

The criteria for admission and readmission are the same.

1. Should be 18 years old and above
2. Medical concerns should not necessitate 24-hour nursing supervision.
3. Demonstrate behaviors consistent with Axis II personality disorders, Axis I mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or thought disorders that require and can reasonably respond to therapeutic interventions.
4. The participant can maintain a less restrictive environment to stabilize his/her condition.
5. The participant has identified case management needs, such as assistance with application and maintenance of medical and/or financial benefits, linkage to other agencies and providers, advocacy services, clinical outreach and/or community-based interventions, and ongoing need for clinical monitoring and supervision services and intensive support treatment.
6. The participant presents issues that can be effectively addressed through Huduma House Program services inclusive of Life Skills, Educational, Personal Development, Assistance with Self-Administration of Medication, and Recreational Programming.
7. Have mental health medication and diagnosis that does not exceed the supervision capabilities of these scope of services.
8. Must be a willing participant in the collective treatment and be willing to abide by applicable house rules
9. Must not be currently a physical or severe psychological threat to themselves, to personnel, or to other participants
10. Must not have repeatedly damaged property or have recent documented cases of theft of agency or participant property

Administrative Hours

Administration hours are Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Huduma House provides behavioral health services 24/7: 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

For more information, never hesitate to call us at 602-516-9785 or contact us through our online form. We would be glad to give you the support and guidance you need.